Wednesday, 26 March 2014

4th attempt at double page spread

This is my 4th attempt at my double page spread. I haven't changed it much from my 3rd attempt. What I have done is added a bigger picture of Charlotte. I have also changed the color of the mast head. I have pink for the mast head on my front cover and contents page so thought I would carry it on. I have also got rid of the blue writing which was on the second page as it didn't go with the picture. It looked very odd. I will change this even more as I need to add some kind of writing to the big picture. I also need to see what other people think and try and improve it more. 


Third Image

second Image
first Image

This is my editing that I have done. I took the first Image but there was too much going on in the background so I cropped it out and just left Charlotte there. I then thought it need some color not just plain white but not the white door so I added a light yellow to it. I think this looks better and will grab peoples attention more.  I will use the third Image in my double page spread. 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

3rd attempt Double page spread

This is my 3rd attempt at my double page spread. I have changed it from my 2nd attempt due to the fact I didn't like the 2nd attempt. I have change the wording. I have made it smaller and made it all one color. I have also added a picture of Charlotte Kennish and placed her on the first page. I am going to add another picture of her and put this on the second page and have a bigger and different picture of her. I may remove the blue wording at the top of the second page depending on what the picture is like. I have also made the page numbers smaller.

Final Front cover page

This is my final front cover Page. I have change it slight from the other one as the "Free downloads from ITunes" didn't stand out. I have changed the color to pink and yellow and made the "free" bigger so it catches peoples attention.